Wow, I have been a major slacker, huh? I should learn to update more often. I haven't been around much of anywhere on the interwebs. You won't see much of me until I finish my current project.
I'm still working on A Firm Hand. Yeah, I know. It's been a year. This book is killing me. But, I'm determined to finish it. I'm figuring it will end up between 70-80K and I'm hoping to have it done by the first week of February. As I've mentioned before, it's a BDSM contemporary, but much darker and more emotional than you've previously seen from me (hence the reason it's taking me so damn long to finish it).
On the horizon, I started a shifter erotic romance that has been in the planning stages for a long time. I took a break from AFH, when the content got too heavy, and put a few thousand words down so that I had a place to jump to when I finally finish what I'm working on now. As of now the shifter story is titled His by Rite. It won't be as heavy as AFH, thank god. I'm going to need a break when that one is over.
Eventually, I'll get to Jared's story, the sexy Master/trainer who made an appearance in Wrapped Around Your Finger. Some of you have asked when that will happen and I'm sorry to say that I won't begin working on his book until later this year, but I do plan to write it. You'll get a glimpse of Jared and his love interest in A Firm Hand as well as a little news about Indie and Banner.
Other than all that, the only news I have to impart is that I've been working pretty closely with my new critique partner. She has some really great stuff coming out this year. I'm sure you've heard of her, JA Saare? Very talented writer. If you haven't read Omega Mine by her alter-ego, Aline Hunter, you need to. It's HAWT and full of action. You won't be disappointed.