
Saturday, September 17, 2011

zombies are coming!

So yes, I bought them. I mean come on, zombies and they glow in the dark? It was a no-brainer. Is it bad that I plan to wear them to my Dad's wedding? It's a small, casual affair, nothing churchy or formal. I even bought a very classy black dress for the occasion. The shoes might not scream class, but they'll scream something that's for sure. I'll be sure to post pics of the wedding.

If you want to check out the shoes visit Iron Fist. Love their stuff!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday - and my birthday present

Here we are again with Six Sentence Sunday. I'm pulling my six from one of my current WIP, Total Apocalypse of the Heart, an erotic horror set in the middle of a deadly viral pandemic. Last week Sam Lancaster was reminiscing about the love he let get away before gunshots broke him out of his reverie...

What the hell?

He dashed to the front of the store carefully avoiding the windows. He didn’t want to be seen by the infected or whoever happened to be firing out there. Staying in the shadows, he pressed his back against the brick column between the front door and the display window and peered outside.

A jacked up, primer-gray truck had haphazardly parked in the lot. The Jones boys--local redneck assholes--jumped out of the vehicle with such enthusiasm you’d think they were headed to a titty bar and not a gun shop in the middle of a damn plague.

Don't forget to visit the many talented authors who participate in Six Sentence Sunday at

And before I leave you, I wanted to show off my new birthday present. I'm so happy with the way it turned out. I can't wait until it heals so I can have the color added!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Another Six Sentence Sunday is upon us. I've decided to stick with Total Apocalypse of the Heart. Yes, I'm going with it! The comments from last week sealed it for me so thank you. This week I'm taking you right where we left off with Sam.

He missed that obnoxious, fire-engine red hair of hers and the devious grin she always wore right before she was about to cause trouble. His little thrill seeker. He wondered how much she’d changed over the last two years.

After seeing the news reports on the chaos in Atlanta, he wanted—no needed—to know if she was okay. He hoped Bea and Jim had been in contact with her, and she’d made it home before things had gotten out of control.

The loud crack of gunshots shook him from his thoughts.

Don't forget to visit the other authors participating in SSS over at

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dean Day Winner

And we have a winner! Sorry I'm a day late posting. I was too engrossed in last night's episode. What can you do? joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com was randomly chosen.Thank you everyone who participated in Dean Day!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Horrible Old Movies

A few weeks ago my wonderful husband bought me the old horror movie, I Walked With a Zombie, just because. I did say he was wonderful didn't I? Some women get flowers, I get horror movies and wouldn't have it any other way. It had been quite some time since I'd indulged in an old horror film. And I don't mean seventies or eighties old (although I love those too), I mean classic horror that dates back to the thirties and forties.

When I was a kid I used to watch old sci-fi and horror movies every Saturday afternoon on Creature Feature. My husband's impromptu gift brought those memories flooding back. I miss those days, I really do. And it's funny to think back and realize how young I was when my fascination with horror started. When other kids were glued to the television every Saturday morning to watch their favorite cartoons, I couldn't wait for them to be over so I could watch Creature Feature. Yeah, I was weird even back then.

As I sat and watched I Walked With a Zombie last week, that old fascination started all over again. I've been so immersed in modern horror that I somehow forgot how wonderful, horrible and scary the older films are. Needless to say I went on a quest to hunt some of them down and recently added these gems to my ever growing horror movie collection: The House on Haunted Hill,
Bride of Frankenstein, The Last Man on Earth and I have a dvd horror collection on the way that has lots of goodies.

One of the things I miss is the most about those days is the era of the Horror Host. It's such a shame they've become a thing of the past. The host of Creature Feature was the infamous Dr. Paul Bearer. He was the epitome of spooky. He had this eerie deep voice, a glass eye, drove an actual hearse around town and had this cheesy gallows humor I loved. I happened to find a couple clips for you guys on youtube and I thought I'd share. So without further ado, Dr. Paul Bearer...He'll be lurking for you!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

No super sekrit project this week. Don't worry, I'll get back to it. I'm working on a second project, a BDSM contemporary called A Firm Hand, that has demanded all my attention the last few days. I have had a lot of fun writing Brian and Ally's story and all the little kinky things that have come along with it.

"Good. It's supposed to hurt. Do you know why you're being punished?"

"Because you're a kinky freak?" she replied, her voice thick with sarcasm.

He slapped her left cheek this time. "Try again."

"Because you're a kinky freak, Sir?"

He swallowed a chuckle.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to click on the banner above to check out the other other authors who participate in SSS.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

More from super sekrit project I'm working on. Again, I'll have to apologize for going over my six, but it can't be helped. Please click on the image above to visit the other authors participating in SSS.

Grandpa Jim poked his head out of the kitchen where he'd been busy canning some of the meat they had on hand. Preserving and stockpiling food seemed like a good idea considering the circumstances.

"Anythin' new darlin'?" he asked in that old southern drawl she'd always found such a comfort. Right now, she'd take all the comfort she could get.

"All the major cities hit hard by the infection are under martial law. Not a big surprise with all the looting and chaos. Atlanta looks like a warzone. They're gunning people down in the streets," she told him before lighting another cigarette. "Nothing new from the government or the CDC."